
How many unarmed Blacks and White are killed by police each year in the US?

 Police Shootings
Year Blacks Whites
2015   38     32
2016   19     22
2017   22     31
2018   23     25
2019   14     25
2020†  10     13

Aveage 21 25
—Washington Post, Washington Post Police Shooting Data

Do Whites kill Blacks more often than Blacks kill Whites in the US?

        Homicides in the US
Year White-on-Black Black-on-White
2010      218            447
2011      193            448
2012      193            431
2013      189            409
2014      187            446
2015      229            500
2016      243            533
2017      264            576
2018      234            514
2019      246            566

Aveage 220 487 (2.2x)
—FBI Homicide Statistics

Do Whites kill Black more often than Blacks kill Blacks in the US?

        Homicides in the US
Year White-on-Black Black-on-Black
2010      218           2,459
2011      193           2,447
2012      193           2,412
2013      189           2,245
2014      187           2,205
2015      229           2,380
2016      243           2,570
2017      264           2,627
2018      234           2,600
2019      246           2,574

Aveage 220 2,452 (11.1x)
—FBI Homicide Statistics

Is a police officer more likely to be killed by a black male than to kill a black male?

And an officer’s chance of getting killed by a black assailant is 18.5 times higher than the chance of an unarmed black getting killed by a cop.
(The 36 unarmed black male victims of police shootings in 2015 measured against the total black male population [nearly 19 million in mid-2014, per the Census Bureau] amounts to a per capita rate of 0.0000018 unarmed fatalities by police. By comparison, 52 law enforcement officers were feloniously killed in 2015 while engaged in such duties as traffic stops and warrant service, according to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund. The FBI counted nearly 628,000 full-time law enforcement officers in the United States in 2014. Assuming that the number of officers did not markedly increase in 2015, the per capita rate of officers being feloniously killed is 0.000082, or 45 times the rate at which unarmed black males are killed by cops. The Memorial Fund does not have data on the race of cop-killers in 2015, but applying the historical average over the last decade in which 40 percent of all cop-killers were black would yield 21 cops killed by blacks in 2015. An officer’s chance of getting killed by a black person is 0.000033, which is 18.5 times the chance of an unarmed black person getting killed by a cop. After this year’s 72 percent increase in felonious killings of police officers, these ratios will be even more lopsided.)
—Heather MacDonald, Academic research on police shootings and race

Is there an epidemic of racist police officers shooting Black Americans?

It’s rare for police to kill anyone. A black man is more likely to be killed by lightning [(one out of 1,222,000)] than by a police officer. In 2019, police shot and killed 1,003 people in the US, according to the Washington Post’s Fatal Force database. Of those, 250 were black and 405 white. Police shot and killed 55 unarmed suspects, including 25 whites and 14 blacks.

According to the US census, in July 2019, an estimated 328,239,523 people resided in the US. Blacks comprise 13.4%, or 43,984,096 people. That means police shot and killed one unarmed black male out of every 3,141,721 black Americans. Does that sound like an epidemic of police murders?
—Jeffrey James Higgins, Higgins: Enough of the lying – just look at the data. There’s no epidemic of racist police officers killing black Americans.

Is interracial marriage still a major issue in America?

Do you approve or disapprove of marriage between blacks and whites?
          Whites             Blacks
Year Approve Disapprove Approve Disapprove
1968    20       73        56       33
2013    87       11        96        3
—Gallup, Marriage

Are minorities able to earn a similar income compared to Whites in the US?

Ethnicity     Median household income
Asian Indian  $126,705
Taiwanese     $102,405
Filipino      $100,273
South African  $98,212
Indonesian     $93,501
Pakistani      $87,509
Chinese        $85,424
Japanese       $85,007
Korean         $76,674
Hmong          $73,373
Vietnamese     $72,161
Cambodian      $72,038
White          $69,823
Ghanaian       $69,021
Bangladeshi    $67,944
Thai           $66,763
Egyptian       $67,187
Nigerian       $65,672
—US Census, Selected Population Profile in the United States (2019)
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